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The AllAroundJoe Fitness Podcast

Nov 12, 2013

With so so many sports supplements out there today it can be extremely hard to decide what you should be taking, and what is all hype.

In this podcast I’m going to be talking all about the sports supplements that EVERYONE should be taking.

I’ve been taking all kinds of sports supplements for years, and I have a pretty good idea on what works, and what is just a scam.

The supplements that everyone should be taking are…

–Fast energy system – improves strength and recovery
–Cell volumizing – muscles look bigger
–Enhanced brain function – improved short term memory
–Nitrogen sponge.
–It mops up ammonia and shuttles nitrogen between tissues, where it can be used for cell growth and tissue repair.
–Improved recovery
Vitamin D
–Bone health
–Immune function
–Increases muscle strength and power
–Reduced inflammation
Fish oil
–Reduced inflammation/improved recovery
–Improved circulation
–Reduced risk of chronic disease
–Improved muscle function and contractions
–Improved recovery via energy substrates after exercise
–Maintains electrolyte balance
–Reduced inflammation
Protein powder – Progenex
Protein bar – RX Bar, Questbar

In this episode you learn about Sports Supplements everyone should be taking, plus…
  • The supplement brand you can trust .
  • What each of these supplements does for you.
  • How the Wonderland Trail recovery is going.
  • How you can upgrade your brain (super cool!).
Resources and links mentioned in this podcast

Blonyx HMB+Creatine
ON Creatine
ON Glutamine
Upgrade your brain
*above are affiliate links. I get a small commission if you click through them and buy, but they in no way make the products cost anymore. If you decide to use them please let me know so I can thank you.

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