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The AllAroundJoe Fitness Podcast

Jan 29, 2014

In this country type 2 diabetes is a serious problem. And I believe that we can prevent it by simply educating people.

Right now our school system does a terrible job of teaching people how to be healthy, and in turn how to avoid type 2 diabetes.

So you understand what type 2 diabetes is… It’s when your body has usable carbs floating around in your blood, but no need for those carbs. Because there is no need for the carbs, your body stops producing the insulin that shuttles those carbs to muscles and fat. Then you have those carbs just chilling out in your body with no where to go, and this causes all kinds of problems.

No one wants to experience those problems, and some simple actions can keep them from happening.

The first thing you can do is give your body a reason to need the carbs. The easiest way to give your body a need for carbs is to do some resistance training. This could be body weight resistance, or weight lifting. Anything that’s under 2 mins per set, or activity will cause a need for the carbs.

The second thing you can do is think of carbs like fuel for your muscles. The analogy that I like to use is… Carbs are like gasoline. Would you put gasoline in your car if the tank was on full? Of course not. So don’t put carbs in your body if you aren’t working out. Your body just doesn’t need them.

Other things you can do is limit the number of bad carbs you consume at all times. These are sugars, grains, and some fruits.

As soon as you can start thinking of your body as a machine, the better, and healthier you’ll become.

If you need motivation, google type 2 diabetes pictures. You won’t like what you find.

In this episode you learn about how to avoid type 2 diabetes, plus…
  • What carbs are used for in your body.
  • What carbs you should be eating.
  • What carbs you should be avoiding.
  • What kind of exercise you need to be doing.
Resources and links mentioned in this podcast

EVL ENGN pre workout supplement
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